Monday, September 29, 2008

Why Am I So Busy???

It seems like the Fall hits, and WHAM, I get hit with massive busy-ness. And, it seems like 5 things always fall on the one day I have something really important to go to. I have to pick and chose which activities or which things are most imporant. It's one thing after another. This week is ridiculously busy. Let alone I have to wait for the dang Direct TV tech tomorrow between
12-4. Yes, 4 hour spans. Don't get me started. It was suppose to be today....uggg. Anyway, I can't do it tomorrow because Lucy has preschool, then it's off to the doc for me. Then I have to go to the Vital Statistics place to get Lucy's and Kyle's birth certificates. And I know something is going on tomorrow night. OH yeah, I'm meeting with some Team Beachbody members to finally get my website set up and do the whole "official" coach thing. Thank goodness for my DVR coming because I won't even try to watch "my stories." Now, only if I can quadruple myself so I can one of me can sit here for the Direct TV guy, one can take Lucy to preschool and pick her up. One can go to the gyno for me. (and that wouldn't be me, just my copy ;)) And one can go to the records place. Maybe I'll copy myself 5 times. Then I can be the one to sit by my imaginary pool, drinking imaginary margaritas, watching my imaginary pool boy.

My house is a freakin' disaster. I swear I cannot keep on top of things lately. Maybe it's because I'm gone all day, doing some crazy errands and running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Yes, while I wait for the Direct TV guy, which won't be tomorrow, but sometime, I will plan on getting some things done. Laundry put away. Deep vacumming (still can't spell that girls). Washing my windows. Cleaning our bedroom. Cleaning our bathroom. But wait, Kyle is crying for a bottle. And the phone rings. And then Lucy wants attention. The one time I'm at home, able to play with my kids and especially give Lucy some time for her games, I have other things to do. I don't want Lucy growing up hearing the classic Mom lines. "Not now" or "In a minute" or "I'm watching, really I am" or "Maybe in a few minutes. Let me get this done first". I've said all those things to her at one time or another. However, the last few months since Kyle has been born, I have wanted to give her Lucy Time. So we play instead of me cleaning. Although, she helps me put the dishes away at times. She loves her dirt devil vaccuumm (however you spell it) and she walks right along the side of me with it while I vaccuumm. (:)) She actually likes to help clean. Is that fun? To her, yes. To me? No. So we play Dora Memory instead. Or we color and cut out paper. Which makes an ever bigger mess. And alas, I give up. I need about 2 days without kids (and sans husband) to get everything done that not only I want to do, but desperately need to do. For my sanity. For my husbands sanity. It really stinks that I can throw in our bed sheets in the morning, praising myself for getting something done, only to forget about them at 10:30 at night. Then deciding to make the bed using the old sheets that have a ginormous hole in them. Maybe we should invest in a couple more sheet sets. Christmas present anyone???

So is everyone else crazy busy? It probably won't slow down until after the new year. That is just how it is. Fall hits and you get slammed. It won't stop until after the holidays. Even then I am not sure anymore it will end. All I can say is thank goodness for great friends who keep me sane. :) Thanks for all the laughs. And all the help with making me ignore what I should really be doing at home and going to Gandolfos and Goodwill instead. :) :) :)

1 comment:

Dittman Family said...

ITS VACUUM! Hee hee, you knew I would be the one to spell it...I cannot wrap my head around the idea of Lucy being as grown up as she is, let alone Kyle getting big!!! Make it stop! Let me know when you get your website up and running so I can check it out !