Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Random Pics

As some of you know, I'm a picture Nazi. I take 1,000 pictures of the same exact pose and shot. Yes, I'm a little retarded. But it pays off because out of the 1,000 pics, there are 1 or 2 good ones. I also complain about my camera all the time (See previous post). Although it's more user than the actual camera lame-ness. I want a new camera really bad. I should just learn how to use mine. It would be cheaper. Like I said in my previous post, outside pictures are great. The inside pictures are always blurry if I don't have the flash on. And when I have the flash on they are washed out. So if you know how to use a camera, please email me directions. :)

At any rate here are some random pics. I was going to do different posts for the pictures but I"m just too darn tired. Kyle has decided to be grumpy today.
Not so pretty smile. Lucy smiles her "Ugly Smile" in pictures. We have come to call it that because there are pictures where she looks freakin' adorable smiling. Then there are the freakish ugly smiles. Weird girl....but she's still freakin' cute.
Lucy is a great big sister. She loves to hold Kyle and help out. She decided to take Kyle out of his crib when he was about 5 weeks or so. Lovily let me tell you. I was doing my hair in the bathroom and she came in looking awfully suspicious. She said "I'm not holding anything" I asked her "what" and she goes "I"m not holding the baby" I asked where the baby was and she goes "On Mommy's rocking chair" I had a weird feeling and I thought maybe she was talking about one of her play babies. I went into his room and yes. There he was. On the rocking chair. Not only was he on the rocking chair, but he was crying and flailing half way OFF the rocking chair. His upper body was on and his legs were hanging off and he was on his stomach. I can't imagine how in the world she could've gotten him out of his crib without making Gumby out of him. About 30 seconds later, he would've fallen off the rocker, no doubt. I ofcourse grabbed him and told her she cannot hold him unless I'm there etc etc. I kept checking over him to see if he had any bumps, bruises or serious misplaced limbs. But he was okay. He's fine now. We'll see if there is any permanent damage as he gets older. :) But none the less, she loves him.
Yes, that is my daughter, kissing a goat. Icky.
We had so much fun at the fair. Thanks Grandma!!!
Lucy and Charlotte at the fair. I hope Trudy doesn't mind me posting a pic of her. They are best buds. We had tons of fun that day! And what a long day it was....(ha ha)


Brent, January, and Madelyn said...

She is a beauty, like her mommy!

The Ditts Fam said...

Ha ha. Too bad she looks more "Ditts" lol :) Drew is handsome though and all his family members are good looking. She's
gonna be 5' 11" seriously. She's our little bohemouth girl.

Alli Blue said...

Too cute! Kyle is so adorable! Handsome as ever! I have always loved Lucy too! I just think she is the most sweet looking little thing ever! Her eyes and hair and lips! What a doll! I sound kinda wierd, so... bye!