Saturday, September 27, 2008


Some of you know that I'm now a fitness coach for Team Beachbody. Yes, super exciting!!! I've been with Beachbody for about 9 years. I started with Power 90 when I was in high school. Now, granted I haven't been consistent in those 9 years. But alas, my time has come. It's on baby. And as "Siren" would say, "BRING IT." Anyway, if any of you out there want more info on becoming a coach, being super fit, hanging out with super cool people like I have this whole weekend, and making some money, then let me know. It's a sweet business opportunity. I know, I know. "Business Opportunity" *shudder*. But seriously, it's not like anything else. Especially because it's all about promoting fitness and being fit, which I am passionate about. I can't "sell" a phone service, or even a healthy juice. But I can talk about I don't care if I make money with it. I'm just jazzed at being able to help people. And especially being accountable to workout, and stay fit. Practice what I preach. So "business opportunity" aside, I'm STOKED! Like I said, I haven't always been consistent with working out. I'm a typical girl. Typically jealous of my fit sister in laws and friends. Typically a yo-yo dieter and exerciser. Typically fluctuating between weights. 150 lbs here, 125 lbs there. It's annoying. But enough is enough. I'm sick of looking at other girls and judging myself compared to them. Right now, I'm doing Slim in 6 by Debbie Siebers. It's an awesome starting point because as most of you know, I had a baby 2 months ago. Then, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Turbo Jam. I'll probably do a round of that. Then, it's on to P90 X. Which scares the poo outta me. ;) But I WILL do it. I WILL get amazing results and I WILL tell everyone I know about it. If anyone of you have ever seen a informercial, you know how amazing it is to see the testimonials. It works. I've done other workouts. I've done the whole "Bun and Thigh Roller" I've done step workouts, I've done everything. But Beachbody works for me. Crazy works. If you have a program that works for you, stick with it. All you have to do is workout and stay healthy. I'm telling you, working out is such a science and it's AMAZES what our bodies do and how they act/feel/work when you stay healthy and fit. I'm getting so scatter brained in this post. :) ADD is kicking in.

Like I said. I started with Beachbody 9 years ago with good 'ol Tony Horton kickin my butt. Never in my WILDEST dreams would I ever think I would meet him, let alone talk to him like an old friend, let alone WORK OUT WITH HIM. I am lucky enough to have a connection with a friend who started Team Beachbody in Idaho. So, lucky me! I got to go hang out with Valerie Waugaman who is "Siren" on American Gladiators (see previous post), and talk with Tony and get my butt kicked by him today in an amazing workout, and just hang out with a super awesome group of people from our team. It has been an incredible weekend. I cannot believe I just worked out with Tony Horton. I'm calling it Celebrity September. We met Jim Gaffigan, talked with the Biggest Loser couple, and now the Beachbody studs and stud-ettes. Alrighty, enough of this crazy, random, scattered post. Here are some pics!!!!

Here is Tammy, Betsy and me with Valerie "aka "Siren" This is our "nice" pose

Our "Gladiator, Kick Butt" pose.

So you are thinking to yourself, why on EARTH did I post a pic of Val's bum. Well, let me tell you why. I couldn't stop staring at it!! She is beautiful, but her butt, even more beautiful. I want her butt. On me ofcourse. So she is my inspiration. She gave a super awesome motivating speech today and she had some awesome ideas that I'm going to try. So yes, this is her butt, and yes, one day I will have one just like it. ;)

And here's "The Man" Tony was incredible. Super nice. Super funny. Super ripped back. It was funny to put my arm around him and feel the muscle bursting through his shirt. Everytime he turned it was like a new muscle popped out to say "Hello, I'm awesome"

So if you want to get in the BEST shape of your LIFE, email me, call me, come talk to me. No matter what level you are at. No matter your size, shape, or experience. Believe it or not, I know a lot about fitness. So, it's time I use my knowledge to good use and do it and show others how to do it. Not only am I getting the bod I want, I'm preventing every ailment that runs in my family. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems. Even if I remain a size 8. and still am fit, that is all that matters. I want to be here for my kids. Be fit and healthy and play with them. I'm doing it for myself yes, but there is a grand scheme of things. I want my kids to be healthy and set an example to them as well. Have them workout with me. Have them have a mother who gets her bum off the couch, or computer and play with them and most importantly, have energy to play with them. Not watch them from the sidelines. I've done Slim in 6 for 3 weeks now, and I've already lost inches and my clothes fit better, and I have a gazillion times more energy than what I did. It is seriously amazing and I want you to feel amazing too. As soon as I get my website set up, I'll put a link on here with more info about becoming a coach and how to order Beachbody products. Here is to a Happy Fitness Day. :)

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