Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Exciting Day

It was kind of a blah day today, until Lucy decided to make it exciting around 3:30. I was taking a shower with her, and then a friend came to the door to see Kyle and to visit. So I hopped out with my robe and had Lucy stay in. I yelled to Drew to keep checking on her. She was ready to get out and Drew was in the bathroom with her. Then he walked out with her with a towel on her chin with some blood. I asked what had happend. He said she was getting out of the tub and when she stood up, she slipped and hit her chin on the edge of the tub. She wasn't really gushing blood, but she had a good split on her chin. Her mouth was bleeding too. My friend said "That's my cue to leave." Well, I went over to her and I said "Do you think that it might need stitches." Drew goes "No...I don't think it does." I looked at it and it didn't look too bad so I went to get the band-aides while he dabbed with a towel. She came over to get a band-aide and as I dabbed with a towel, I realized it was a little deeper than what we thought. (Sorry to those who are sickened easy, it's about to get desciptive) It kind of started turning outward and opending up and I saw the fat in her chin. Icky. I'm not too queezy about stuff like that. Especially since it's my own kid. So I just dabbed at it again, and said "Drew, it needs stitches I think" He came over and said, "Uh, yeah. I do think it does. It's deeper than what I thought it was" So off to the ER with her. YEAH!!! Good times. She was a super brave girl. What freaked her out the most was that they had to put a pillowcase on her arms to restrain them. They had to wrap her up like a burrito with a blanket to make sure she wasn't going to thrash. I know if I just held her, she would have been fine, but she started crying ofcourse. Not hesterically, but just a little frightened. She got 4 stitches. I hated going in there because one nurse looked acusatory (is that a word?) at me. Like *I* did this to my child. It was annoying. I felt like they were going to send a social worker down. I almost wanted to explain the whole story. Then I said Daddy was with her when she slipped. I thought "Oh crap, now they are going to think my husband did it." Anyway, the Doctor was super cool and she didn't make me feel that way at all. It was just this one nurse who was a little weird. It's funny how some people you can connect with, and some people just give you the eebies. Anyway, it was our first ER experience with her and ofcourse her first stitches and major accident. I'll have to save her hospital bracelet for her scrapbook. :) ha ha.
Oh, and to top it all off...I washed my hands at the hospital and my hands STILL smell like that dreaded hospital soap. I do not like the smell of it. It's sickening. It doesn't smell bad, but you all know what I'm talking about. That sanitary, hospital smell. I hate that smell.


Manda said...

Poor girl! I'm glad she's okay!

Nathaly said...

Poor Lucy!! And how scary for you guys. The same thing happened to my niece. Luckily, kids heal fast. And yeah, the hospital soap is stinky.

Joleen said...

Hey- at least it wasn't Sunday morning like ours was this week!! Oh well- Tim got out of his Bishopric meetings! :D
I'm glad Lucy is doing better!

Dittman Family said...

What a brave girl-gotta love trips to the ER. You need to post a picture of Lucy and her stitches! By the way-is it wrong that I kind of like the sanitary smell of a hospital?

The Ditts Fam said...

Yes Renee, VERY wrong. Uggg the sterilness of it. Sick.

Jo-I'm glad it wasn't Sunday either, but it would've gotten us out of going to church. ;) ha ha

Brent, January, and Madelyn said...

Aw, poor baby! She sounds like a trooper, though.