Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall TV Lineup

I feel like I can't get on top of anything around my house. It's a disaster. And what am I doing....yeah. I'm soooo cool. Blogging has taken over. Uggg.

So I'm addicted to TV. Well, and the computer, but TV comes in a close second. Actually, my addiction is going to be a better thing pretty soon. Working out. But that is a different story, and a different post.

My Fall TV lineup consists of this:

Biggest Loser
Love this show. It's SOOO inspiring. I love the girl and her dad. I believe it's the yellow team. You can just tell how much she loves her dad. I want them to get healthy and have her dad change his life so he's around for the next 30 years.

The OFFICE!!!!!!
Countdown! 4 more days!!! I'm sooooooooooo excited. When I first heard about The Office, I never watched it. Then one time, I saw about 10 minutes of an episode is season 2 or 3 and it was stupid I thought. I didn't know the story nor the characters, so it was pointless to watch. Then, my awesome friend Sara let me borrow all the seasons. Uh....addiction number 3 was born. If you have never seen it, or have thought it was dumb, please go rent the first few seasons and watch it from the beginning. Then let me know if you too are addicted. I guarantee you will be.

It's the series finale. I can't believe it. So sad. I have been on and off with this show for the last what...9 years or so. I'm wondering how they will wrap everything up. Will Luka and Abbey get back together...??? Who will be knocked off in the first episode...??? How will they reintroduce the returning characters...?? And I miss Dr. Greene. Too bad he died.... I'm sooo excited they are bringing Carter back. I kind of have a thing for him. ;)

Here are some "weirdo" shows that I watch. Yeah, I'm weird. Imagine that!

Criss Angel Mindfreak
My husband will tell you that I have a crush on him. Not so much this season though. He needs to shave his beard off. Anyway, I think he's amazing. Sometimes I think he's posessed and quite possibly has sold his soul to the devil for some of the "tricks" he does. I know that there is a trick to everything he does, but he still is amazing. He pull of some of the most fascinating illusions. I still can't figure out how he levitates. I actually figured out one of his tricks the other night. I think he's awesome, so sue me if you think I'm a freak. A MINDFREAK that is.

Ghost Hunters
This show is awesome too. Not everything I believe ofcourse, but they have caught some hard evidence that we are not alone on this earth. I do believe in spirits and I believe that they are among us. I also believe that some people make things up, or have experiences that can easily be "debunked." That is why I love this show. Grant and Jason go in trying to debunk things at first. Most the time, they can come up with an explanation for things and why "supernatural" things are happening. But there are those few times they catch something. It gives me shivers.

Law & Order SVU
So excited for the new season. I don't like any of the other L&O's.

America's Got Talent
I haven't been religiously watching this show, but I want to see who takes the cake nonetheless.

Kath And Kim
I love Molly Shannon and this show looks freakin' halarious. O-V-U-R

Well, there it is. And there are actually some shows I want to watch, but I try not to watch THAT much TV. Ha ha. Good news is that I'm getting my DVR on Monday the 29th so I can record shows and fast forward the commercials. Cutting my "ignoring my children time" in half! And maybe pay attention to my husband as well. ;) ha ha. There are some shows I watch occasionally if I'm home. Samantha Who. Pushing Daisies is one I want to watch. Super Nanny. Wanna Bet is a new show that I find interesting.

Let me know which shows you watch, and which shows you recommend. Although, I don't need to add to my list. :)

1 comment:

Sara @ Our Best Bites said...

So glad you finally converted to The Office!

Also I was bummed tonight about BL I liked the gray team!