Friday, October 3, 2008

Scared Of Cars, And Am I Going To Die?

Lucy has been coming into our room at night for the last 3 weeks or so. Why....? She is "scared of the car." Where she got this idea from, I have no idea. One night, she was scared of the truck. Last night she was scared of the purple car. So, I have these crazy conclusions. 1) I've scarred her for life. For when we cross the street or are in a parking lot, I tell her how fast cars can go and they can hurt her. This is most likely the reasoning behind these car fears. 2) Her bedroom is on the side of the house. So maybe she is psychic and some erratic driving car is going to crash through the fence and into her room. Most likely, this is not the reason. But she does say she is scared of the car "in her room." So, she comes into our room to avoid getting run over in her room by a crazy car. 3) She might see headlights coming through her window in her room. I do not think this is the answer, but by all means, every little option counts.

So why is my daughter scared of cars? Was it Momma drilling into her head that we DO NOT cross the street with holding hands, or run around in parking lots??? Is it her incredible forseeing mind? I don't know. Until then, we'll continue to have her in our bed for an hour every night until she falls into a deep sleep so Drew can go take her back to bed. *Sigh*

So, another question. Am I going to die? This is what my almost 3 year old daughter asked me today. Drew and I were talking and I said what a bad headache I had in the front of my head. So Lucy goes "Mom, are you going to die?" I almost cried. It was the saddest thing I've ever heard her say. Where she heard about dying, I don't know either. So, cars and death. It's been a busy day.

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