Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October Stresses

I've officially renamed the month of October, to STRESS MONTH!!! Seriously. There is so much going on this next few weeks that I want to pull my hair out. It's really my fault, with over booking stuff and such. But come on people. Enough is enough already. I want a break. I need a vacation. I just went on vacation.....but I need a vacation from my vacation. What is worse is that I'm an awful mom an didn't take one single picture on our vacation. We even went to the resort and I still didn't take any. I suck.

So I'm trying to plan Lucy's birthday party. It will be the 25th of Oct. I think I'll have the kiddos paint pumpkins. I'm going to have garbage bags that the kids can "wear" so they don't get paint on their clothes. But I"ll also say in the invite that we'll be doing that, so they can plan to wear some play clothes. Any other brilliant ideas? I have about 500 ideas, but I don't know where to go with it. I thought about doing a Halloween, costume party, but not if they are going to be painting. I'm sure all the parents would love for them to get paint on their costumes. ;) Lucy wants a "Shrek" party. She's obsessed with Shrek and Wow Wow Wubbzy right now. Drew and I are going to take her to Chuck E Cheese for her actual birthday on the 22nd. We'll get a sitter for Kyle and that way, it's Lucy Special Day. Then that night, we'll invite grandparents, and fam to pizza and cake and ice cream. And Sat will be her friend birthday. It's quite a lot if you ask me. But oh well. She's SOOO excited for her birthday and asks everyday when her birthday is. I show her on the calendar and she's counting down the days. So-what do you do for a 3 year olds birthday? Any ideas??? And, does anyone have a space heater I can borrow???

Another thing going on. I'm having a Pampered Chef party the 28th. So in all this craziness, I said yes to have one. Ugg. Oh well. So I'm trying to get prepared for that. And we have preschool going on, and field trips for preschool, and in all this, it's HALLOWEEN!!!!

So why do I do this to myself? Why does everything always happen in one to two weeks. After October is over, I'll be bored until mid November. Then the craziness starts again. And it doesnt' end until January, oh let's say...6th or so. Someone send me a straight jacket and a rubber room.

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