Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Holy cow I haven't updated in a long while. I don't feel like it right now either! :) But a lot has happened.

1) Kyle got a tooth! It was Dec. 30th when I felt it. I was excited since I didn't even know he was cutting one. Besides the chewing and drooling, I wouldn't have thought he was teething at all. Imagine my surprise when I felt his bottom tooth!

2) Lucy is out of pullups completely at night time! She's a big girl now!

3) My sister Lindsay had her baby on January 11th! She is SOOO cute. I'll post a pic later. Perfect little face.

4) I'm stressed out to the max again. When it rains, it pours. No joke. I'm so done. I feel like I'm having a mental breakdown at times. Oh well. I'll get through it. I always do. Maybe I need an anti-stress pill. :) Don't we all wish!

Well, those are some updates for you for now. I need to go make some phone calls and get a move on with my day. I'll try to update a whole lot more. I need to "journal" about my kids on here again so I have my own records. Until next time America....


Sabrina said...

Good to "hear" from you. We need to get together!!!!

Steph said...

I have missed reading your updates! Hope everything is OK. We seriously need to plan a get together.

The Ditts Fam said...

Yeah...we need to just make a date! Seriously. Linds said that she bumped into you in Utan. Random! Anyway, let me know when you are free.

Laura said...

HOORAY! A tooth, I hope they are all that easy!