Saturday, January 17, 2009

Why I'm A Big Baby

Crying at...

1) American Idol. Yes...dreams do come true.

2) Kodak Commercials. Happy, sweet, loving.

3) Tinker Bell Movie. Tink is just so dang cute and the music is so sweet.

4) Music and Lyrics. I love Hugh Grant. I totally just downloaded the whole soundtrack to my IPOD. "POP...goes my heart."

So yeah, I'm a big baby. I don't cry when things are sad. I cry when they are happy.


Unknown said...

You sure you aren't pregnant Pyper??

Manda said...

lol, kara!

I cry at happy things too. What can you do? :)

Carolyn said...

Yeah, are you preggo??? lol. I'm the same way, sweet and happy stuff makes me cry more.

The Ditts Fam said...

Haa ha Good one. I just think it's funny that it's only happy things that make me cry.'s sad and I feel bad. However, whip up a batch of motherly love and I'm all about the waterworks. :)

. said...

the church commercials always get me, and usually they are pretty happy...i am not gay though, contrary to what Drew might tell you in response to this.