Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Prayers and Answers

I know it's soooo stupid to have a prayer over a TV. And even most stupid to have a testimony of prayer over a TV. This however is a MAJOR blessing.

So you know how Lucy broke my sister's TV. It would've been about $1400 or so. Well, I called our homeowners insurance and they are taking care of it. I prayed and prayed that something would be covered and we'd have help. All through this, when I prayed I just felt that it was going to be okay, and that it was going to be covered somehow. But still, there was that stress of it. However, I knew Heavenly Father answered my prayer. Honestly, I do not know how we would've paid for it. It's not the matter of paying for it. It was HOW. And if any of you know me, you know we don't have a $1400 dollars just laying around. We are having some financial issues right now. I don't think we could've even opened a credit card for it either. I swear that if it wasn't going to be covered, I was going to have a nervous breakdown and go off the deep end. I was sooooo ready to give up. Literally. There isn't just the TV issue that is making me crazy. So don't think I'm that lame for going off the edge for a TV crisis. But I think Heavenly Father knew that. Ha ha. Ofcourse. So I made a deal with Him. And He really listened to me. He really answered me. There are so many other issues but I know He is watching out for us and I know that everything is going to be okay. No matter what.

So that is my lameness. I have a testimony about a TV. ha ha


Steph said...

Hey I had a testimony about a garage sale, so I get ya. He knows our situations and our needs and we are sooooo blessed. Hope things are looking up.

Sara @ Our Best Bites said...

That's seriously awesome. I totally believe in testimonies like that!

The Ditts Fam said...

Steph-lol That is awesome. I think it's the simple things like that that make us think of the bigger picture. It's the miracles too, but in my life, it's always been the little stuff.