Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Googley Eyes

So, Betsy is going to laugh. Apparently, I couldn't take a normal picture on Halloween. In MOST of my Halloween pictures, I have these crazy googley eyes. I look a little psycho. I apologize for it. I promise I'm not out to get anyone nor will I be busting through a door with a hatchet saying "Heeeerrreee's Johnny" even though my eyes seem to match that characteristic. Oh well. Alas, here are my Halloween pictures. And my crazy googley eyes. Adam Sandler would be proud. "Hey, I'm crazy googley eyed bee keeper.....gimme some candy. Why are my eyes so crazy. I'm crazy gooogley eyes and I want some candy" lol I love it. (You'd have to understand Adam Sandler to get that. At least I wasn't Crazy Pickle Mustache" :))

So we had a blast for Halloween. It was chaotic and busy, but what day isn't? I took Lucy to my sister's trunk or treating in her ward while Drew stayed home to pass out candy. Then, we went trick or treating around our neighborhood to a few houses around the block. Drew and I then went to Tammy's Halloween party. Which was awesome!!! He's such a good sport to be apart of my crazy costume ideas. Thanks honey. Get it....HONEY!?!?! Maaarrr haarr haarrr. Anyway-I decided next year, we are taking Lucy to ONE trick or treating event. Not that it wasn't fun...but the fact is we have about 4 lbs or candy. Am I even letting my daughter eat any of it. No. Have I eaten it. Some. Is Drew going crazy with it. Yes. "Honey...do you want some lard with that...?" Haa ha (inside joke) So maybe we'll keep this candy and save it for next year's trick or treaters. Also, it seems that Halloween lasts a week. With playdate Halloween parties, and the YMCA Harvest Party and Boo at the Zoo (which we opted out of, but almost went) and then Halloween day. At least she got good use out of her costume and wore it enough to justify spending 20 bucks on one night. Although, I didn't buy her costume so yeah for me!!! So anyway, after you're much antipating, here are some pics. And my googley eyes.
Enjoying a "Batty Breakfast"

Lucy and I before Trunk or Treating. She refuses to smile in pictures nowadays if we are "posing"
I love her costume. Such a cute little bee :)

"What'd I get?"
"Trick Or Treat"
I know Lucy looks so cute in this pic right? :) However, this is the most decent one of me and Drew together. Awesome....when we get family pictures, it's gonna rock! ;)

Crazy Googley Eyes- Why oh why......
Kyle slept almost the whole time at the party. I got a costume for him. Why I bought a costume for a 3 month old is beyond me. Did he wear it....negatory. Oh well. He was also a bee. Keeping up with the theme of bees and bee keepers...if you didn't get it by the picture. If you didn't though, you are stupid. ;)

Because of this picture, next year I decided that Drew MUST be either Luigi or Mario and thus, providing another fun filled, themed costume Halloween. I will make Kyle be a toadstool and Lucy and be Princess Toadstool and maybe, just maybe....I'll be Bowser. :) Okay, probably not. But I'll be something. Maybe a portal tube or something. Can't wait!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Pyper! I came across your blog, I hope you don't mind me peeking :) I love your Halloween pictures, Lucy looked adorable, I can't believe how big she is getting, pretty girl! Anyways, I hope you have a great day and hopefully I see you soon!

The Ditts Fam said...

Hey Jess. I had to go research YOU and find out who the heck you were. :) So I blog stalked you and yes, you are more than welcome to peek. Only if I can peek at your blog as well. :) Looks like you had a blast on your trip. No fair. Hurry and have a baby already. :)

. said...

i definitely think Drew should go with the stache look permanently. of course, his would not fill in like that at all, but still. Drew, i'll grow my hair out for a year, if you grow your stache for a year, deal?