Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Prayers and Answers
I know it's soooo stupid to have a prayer over a TV. And even most stupid to have a testimony of prayer over a TV. This however is a MAJOR blessing.
So you know how Lucy broke my sister's TV. It would've been about $1400 or so. Well, I called our homeowners insurance and they are taking care of it. I prayed and prayed that something would be covered and we'd have help. All through this, when I prayed I just felt that it was going to be okay, and that it was going to be covered somehow. But still, there was that stress of it. However, I knew Heavenly Father answered my prayer. Honestly, I do not know how we would've paid for it. It's not the matter of paying for it. It was HOW. And if any of you know me, you know we don't have a $1400 dollars just laying around. We are having some financial issues right now. I don't think we could've even opened a credit card for it either. I swear that if it wasn't going to be covered, I was going to have a nervous breakdown and go off the deep end. I was sooooo ready to give up. Literally. There isn't just the TV issue that is making me crazy. So don't think I'm that lame for going off the edge for a TV crisis. But I think Heavenly Father knew that. Ha ha. Ofcourse. So I made a deal with Him. And He really listened to me. He really answered me. There are so many other issues but I know He is watching out for us and I know that everything is going to be okay. No matter what.
So that is my lameness. I have a testimony about a TV. ha ha
So you know how Lucy broke my sister's TV. It would've been about $1400 or so. Well, I called our homeowners insurance and they are taking care of it. I prayed and prayed that something would be covered and we'd have help. All through this, when I prayed I just felt that it was going to be okay, and that it was going to be covered somehow. But still, there was that stress of it. However, I knew Heavenly Father answered my prayer. Honestly, I do not know how we would've paid for it. It's not the matter of paying for it. It was HOW. And if any of you know me, you know we don't have a $1400 dollars just laying around. We are having some financial issues right now. I don't think we could've even opened a credit card for it either. I swear that if it wasn't going to be covered, I was going to have a nervous breakdown and go off the deep end. I was sooooo ready to give up. Literally. There isn't just the TV issue that is making me crazy. So don't think I'm that lame for going off the edge for a TV crisis. But I think Heavenly Father knew that. Ha ha. Ofcourse. So I made a deal with Him. And He really listened to me. He really answered me. There are so many other issues but I know He is watching out for us and I know that everything is going to be okay. No matter what.
So that is my lameness. I have a testimony about a TV. ha ha
Real Quick
I know some people can figure out our last name somewhere, but I've tried not to include it on our main pages. So if you have our blog listed on your blog by our last name, can you please change it. Thanks! I don't to particularly go private, but I'd rather try to keep some personal stuff hidden. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I've Been MIA
I've basically been MIA because November is doing a repeat of October in being that it's one trial after another. I'm sure there is a greater plan to all this madness and a few lessons to be learned. We'll all look back and laugh one day....
Well, I guess the latest and greatest news is that Lucy broke my sister's LG LCD HD 42" TV. Yeah, lots of abbrev. in there aren't there. I was over watching my sister's kids while they took their oldest for a birthday date. They were watching Kung Fu Panda and Lucy decided to hit the TV with a toy light saber. Anyway, it's a pretty dang spendy TV and I have no idea how we are going to pay for it. I'm sooo not worried about paying them the money and making it right. I'm just worried HOW we are going to do it. I've called our Home Owners Insurance and in our policy, it looks like there will only be $500 at most to be put towards it. My sister called theirs, but I'm not sure what they said. So at any rate, it's going to be a pretty penny and hopefully there will be a quick solution. Drew said "Well, that's a trip to Disneyland." *sigh* Let's say....STRESS!!!
Let's see....what else has been going on lately....? Lucy had a sleepover for her birthday and I have a ton of pictures from it that I need to post. That was a great thing! She had a blast. Kendall and Kate came over for a last minute sleepover. The girls had a blast making cupcakes and decorating them. Making candy necklaces, and watching a movie. They played nonstop and didn't go to bed until about midnight!! I had a grouchy girl the next morning. :)
Now, her friend Charlotte is spending the night tonight. This has become a new thing that Lucy is always asking for. She is LOVING this sleepover thing. It's so fun to watch her grow up. I was so mad at the situation with the TV and felt so bad for being so mad at her. She's three and doesn't understand expenses and such. I was really hard on her and sometimes I forget she's only three. I expect her to act more grown up sometimes and understand, but I also need to remember to let her be a little girl. She keeps saying the funniest things so I'll have to keep up on the Lucy-isms more.
Kyle is getting BIG! He's got the chunkiest cheeks ever and is so stinkin' cute. He's almost rolling over. So close. He is reaching for toys and he chews like crazy. I'm convinced he's teething. Maybe a tooth won't come for awhile, but he's gnawing on my finger and his burp clothes and toys. It will be fun when he starts crawling and getting into things too! :) I'll have to re-baby proof my house. I need to get the kids' pictures taken really bad. Lucy hasn't had hers professionally taken since before she was one. Even if it's at JC Penny or something. Or Sears or El Cheapo. :)
I took Lucy to Disney On Ice compliments of Grandma Jan!! It was AWESOME!!!!!!! They did a beautiful job and the costumes were amazing. I took a million pictures and I basically watched the show through the camera screen. Lucy loved it. She is totally obsessed with Minnie and Mickey Mouse now. I've taught her a few little songs and she is seriously, no joke, obsessed. :) I'm totally going to write a comment on disneyonice.com This show was incredible and if it comes to a town near you, I highly suggest going. Okay, I think I liked it more than Lucy. ha ha
Some more news is that I'm now a Pampered Chef Consultant. I'm super excited!!!!! So those of you out there who want to host a party...by all mean, I'm your gal. :) There are a lot of reasons why I want to do it. Mainly, the market sucks and mortgages aren't cutting it. So I've stepped up and got a "job." I put that in quotes because really, I am looking forward to working. It's really not a job. It's fun! I get to meet a bunch of new people and just show em the goods. I can still be at home which is my ultimate goal. So I can do this at night at weekends while Drew watches the kids. I already have my four required parties set up so as long as they are at least $150, then I can just be done if I feel like this isn't working for me. Most parties average around $500 so I'm not too worried about making my quota. :) I basically got a bunch of super awesome stuff in the start up kit for $55.00 I used my show credit when I hosted so the kit cost me next to nothing. At any rate, like I said you blog stalkers you...if you want to order something or host a party, let me know! :)
Well, there has been so much more but I need to get the girls to bed and finish watching ER while I bawl. It's a sad episode tonight. But then I'll watch The Office and make it alllllll better. Onward and forward.
Well, I guess the latest and greatest news is that Lucy broke my sister's LG LCD HD 42" TV. Yeah, lots of abbrev. in there aren't there. I was over watching my sister's kids while they took their oldest for a birthday date. They were watching Kung Fu Panda and Lucy decided to hit the TV with a toy light saber. Anyway, it's a pretty dang spendy TV and I have no idea how we are going to pay for it. I'm sooo not worried about paying them the money and making it right. I'm just worried HOW we are going to do it. I've called our Home Owners Insurance and in our policy, it looks like there will only be $500 at most to be put towards it. My sister called theirs, but I'm not sure what they said. So at any rate, it's going to be a pretty penny and hopefully there will be a quick solution. Drew said "Well, that's a trip to Disneyland." *sigh* Let's say....STRESS!!!
Let's see....what else has been going on lately....? Lucy had a sleepover for her birthday and I have a ton of pictures from it that I need to post. That was a great thing! She had a blast. Kendall and Kate came over for a last minute sleepover. The girls had a blast making cupcakes and decorating them. Making candy necklaces, and watching a movie. They played nonstop and didn't go to bed until about midnight!! I had a grouchy girl the next morning. :)
Now, her friend Charlotte is spending the night tonight. This has become a new thing that Lucy is always asking for. She is LOVING this sleepover thing. It's so fun to watch her grow up. I was so mad at the situation with the TV and felt so bad for being so mad at her. She's three and doesn't understand expenses and such. I was really hard on her and sometimes I forget she's only three. I expect her to act more grown up sometimes and understand, but I also need to remember to let her be a little girl. She keeps saying the funniest things so I'll have to keep up on the Lucy-isms more.
Kyle is getting BIG! He's got the chunkiest cheeks ever and is so stinkin' cute. He's almost rolling over. So close. He is reaching for toys and he chews like crazy. I'm convinced he's teething. Maybe a tooth won't come for awhile, but he's gnawing on my finger and his burp clothes and toys. It will be fun when he starts crawling and getting into things too! :) I'll have to re-baby proof my house. I need to get the kids' pictures taken really bad. Lucy hasn't had hers professionally taken since before she was one. Even if it's at JC Penny or something. Or Sears or El Cheapo. :)
I took Lucy to Disney On Ice compliments of Grandma Jan!! It was AWESOME!!!!!!! They did a beautiful job and the costumes were amazing. I took a million pictures and I basically watched the show through the camera screen. Lucy loved it. She is totally obsessed with Minnie and Mickey Mouse now. I've taught her a few little songs and she is seriously, no joke, obsessed. :) I'm totally going to write a comment on disneyonice.com This show was incredible and if it comes to a town near you, I highly suggest going. Okay, I think I liked it more than Lucy. ha ha
Some more news is that I'm now a Pampered Chef Consultant. I'm super excited!!!!! So those of you out there who want to host a party...by all mean, I'm your gal. :) There are a lot of reasons why I want to do it. Mainly, the market sucks and mortgages aren't cutting it. So I've stepped up and got a "job." I put that in quotes because really, I am looking forward to working. It's really not a job. It's fun! I get to meet a bunch of new people and just show em the goods. I can still be at home which is my ultimate goal. So I can do this at night at weekends while Drew watches the kids. I already have my four required parties set up so as long as they are at least $150, then I can just be done if I feel like this isn't working for me. Most parties average around $500 so I'm not too worried about making my quota. :) I basically got a bunch of super awesome stuff in the start up kit for $55.00 I used my show credit when I hosted so the kit cost me next to nothing. At any rate, like I said you blog stalkers you...if you want to order something or host a party, let me know! :)
Well, there has been so much more but I need to get the girls to bed and finish watching ER while I bawl. It's a sad episode tonight. But then I'll watch The Office and make it alllllll better. Onward and forward.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
So, we've made history folks. Obama is our Pres. Congrats. I honestly don't know how I feel about it. If he does what he says he's going to do, Drew and I will actually be helped more so than if McCain would've won. I'm torn on some social issues and some healthcare issues. I need to research some more on them. I probably should've research before I voted. Ha ha. I didn't really like either candidate so whatever....*sigh*
I'm excited to see what happens with the war, with our economy, and with healthcare. All I can say is, it's going to be an interesting 4 years.
I'm excited to see what happens with the war, with our economy, and with healthcare. All I can say is, it's going to be an interesting 4 years.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Googley Eyes
So, Betsy is going to laugh. Apparently, I couldn't take a normal picture on Halloween. In MOST of my Halloween pictures, I have these crazy googley eyes. I look a little psycho. I apologize for it. I promise I'm not out to get anyone nor will I be busting through a door with a hatchet saying "Heeeerrreee's Johnny" even though my eyes seem to match that characteristic. Oh well. Alas, here are my Halloween pictures. And my crazy googley eyes. Adam Sandler would be proud. "Hey, I'm crazy googley eyed bee keeper.....gimme some candy. Why are my eyes so crazy. I'm crazy gooogley eyes and I want some candy" lol I love it. (You'd have to understand Adam Sandler to get that. At least I wasn't Crazy Pickle Mustache" :))
So we had a blast for Halloween. It was chaotic and busy, but what day isn't? I took Lucy to my sister's trunk or treating in her ward while Drew stayed home to pass out candy. Then, we went trick or treating around our neighborhood to a few houses around the block. Drew and I then went to Tammy's Halloween party. Which was awesome!!! He's such a good sport to be apart of my crazy costume ideas. Thanks honey. Get it....HONEY!?!?! Maaarrr haarr haarrr. Anyway-I decided next year, we are taking Lucy to ONE trick or treating event. Not that it wasn't fun...but the fact is we have about 4 lbs or candy. Am I even letting my daughter eat any of it. No. Have I eaten it. Some. Is Drew going crazy with it. Yes. "Honey...do you want some lard with that...?" Haa ha (inside joke) So maybe we'll keep this candy and save it for next year's trick or treaters. Also, it seems that Halloween lasts a week. With playdate Halloween parties, and the YMCA Harvest Party and Boo at the Zoo (which we opted out of, but almost went) and then Halloween day. At least she got good use out of her costume and wore it enough to justify spending 20 bucks on one night. Although, I didn't buy her costume so yeah for me!!! So anyway, after you're much antipating, here are some pics. And my googley eyes.




I know Lucy looks so cute in this pic right? :) However, this is the most decent one of me and Drew together. Awesome....when we get family pictures, it's gonna rock! ;)


Kyle slept almost the whole time at the party. I got a costume for him. Why I bought a costume for a 3 month old is beyond me. Did he wear it....negatory. Oh well. He was also a bee. Keeping up with the theme of bees and bee keepers...if you didn't get it by the picture. If you didn't though, you are stupid. ;)
So we had a blast for Halloween. It was chaotic and busy, but what day isn't? I took Lucy to my sister's trunk or treating in her ward while Drew stayed home to pass out candy. Then, we went trick or treating around our neighborhood to a few houses around the block. Drew and I then went to Tammy's Halloween party. Which was awesome!!! He's such a good sport to be apart of my crazy costume ideas. Thanks honey. Get it....HONEY!?!?! Maaarrr haarr haarrr. Anyway-I decided next year, we are taking Lucy to ONE trick or treating event. Not that it wasn't fun...but the fact is we have about 4 lbs or candy. Am I even letting my daughter eat any of it. No. Have I eaten it. Some. Is Drew going crazy with it. Yes. "Honey...do you want some lard with that...?" Haa ha (inside joke) So maybe we'll keep this candy and save it for next year's trick or treaters. Also, it seems that Halloween lasts a week. With playdate Halloween parties, and the YMCA Harvest Party and Boo at the Zoo (which we opted out of, but almost went) and then Halloween day. At least she got good use out of her costume and wore it enough to justify spending 20 bucks on one night. Although, I didn't buy her costume so yeah for me!!! So anyway, after you're much antipating, here are some pics. And my googley eyes.
Enjoying a "Batty Breakfast"


Lucy and I before Trunk or Treating. She refuses to smile in pictures nowadays if we are "posing"

I love her costume. Such a cute little bee :)

"What'd I get?"

"Trick Or Treat"


Crazy Googley Eyes- Why oh why......



Because of this picture, next year I decided that Drew MUST be either Luigi or Mario and thus, providing another fun filled, themed costume Halloween. I will make Kyle be a toadstool and Lucy and be Princess Toadstool and maybe, just maybe....I'll be Bowser. :) Okay, probably not. But I'll be something. Maybe a portal tube or something. Can't wait!!!


Saturday, November 1, 2008
Want a chance to win a free Scentsy??? Go to ourbestbites.com and enter!!!!!!!!! Sara and Kate are awesome if you haven't checked out their cooking blog yet. SUUUWWEEET!
Back later to post Halloween Pics!
Back later to post Halloween Pics!
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